Police minister: Response will be strong and uncompromising

Serbian Minister of the Interior Nebojsa Stefanovic said Sunday that the police will not let the country fall prey to terrorists, stressing that its response will be strong and uncompromising

“We will not allow violence and destruction of our values,” Stefanovic said at a ceremony marking the Day of Police, May 31, at the police training center in Makis.

Terrorist movements must not be called liberators

Owing to the police forces, crime no longer pays in Serbia, said Stefanovic, adding that drug gangs, human traffickers and the perpetrators of heinous crimes have been identified and taken off the streets.

VUCIC ABOUT TERRORIST ATTACKS ON SERBIA: Serbian Army is ready to respond effectively! (PHOTO)

The recent events in Zvornik (Bosnia-Herzegovina) and Kumanovo (Macedonia) have pointed to the growing danger of youth radicalization and terrorist attacks in the Western Balkans and served as a warning to Serbia, the police minister said.

The Serbian police will protect the citizens' safety and never let the country fall prey to terrorists. Serbia is ready to face any threat and its response will be strong and uncompromising, he stressed.

“The most important task of the Serbian police is to keep the citizens safe,” underlined Stefanovic.

(Telegraf.co.uk/ Tanjug)