This happened seconds before Stefan was kidnapped: Horrific details of the kidnapping that has Serbia talking! (VIDEO)

At one point, little Stefan and his brother were approached by a black car with three men that asked them if they knew of a good place for fishing ...

The little boy, Stefan Ilic (12) from the Banatska Subotica, near Bela Crkva disappeared on Saturday around noon when, not far from his, three men stopped him and kidnapped him!


Strong police forces continue to control travel direction of Pancevo-Vrsac in search of the boy, whose abduction has risen Serbia to their feet and whose search has included divers since this morning.

According to what Stefan's younger brother told "Blic", who at the time of the kidnapping was with him, the two of them were in a meadow near the house guarding sheep.

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At one point they were approached by a black car with three men who asked them if they knew of a good place for fishing.

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As they came close enough, the men tried to put both of them in the trunk.

Immediately the boys started running towards their house, the younger brother succeeded, but not Stefan. It is assumed that he did not manage to escape the kidnappers, because for months he has had an injured leg, said a close friend of the family of the missing boy for "Blic".

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Some of the villagers say that they noticed a black "Fiat Punto" with Kovin licence plates on the streets for days, and explained that panic quickly spread in the village in search for the children.

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Stefan is one of seven children. The family recently moved from Lokva in Alibunar, and their father works as a shepherd in the village.

The villagers say they are humble and live under quite difficult conditions. Stefan, they say, is a very good and hardworking child. He helped his father with everything, and in keeping sheep. In fact, they were guarding sheep for their father at the moment of the abduction.

(Video Source: Youtube / BCNovosti)

( Blic)