Aleksandar Vucic: I'm worried about the idea of a "Greater Albania" and Belgrade will engage world-class diplomats

Vucic expects from his successor to continue the policy of balancing between East and West, but also to maintain the same modest habits

The prime minister and elected president of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic confirmed that Belgrade will engage in negotiations with world-renowned diplomats with Pristina, such as Martti Ahtisaari and Madeleine Albright, who are hired by Albanians. Vucic said that Serbia has done everything to maintain stability and avoid conflict in the region and so far, it has failed.

Vucic congratulated victory to Emmanuel Macron

Vucic said that the Serbian government will continue to invest in equipping the army that intends to use only defense, the prime minister said in an exclusive interview for the Prva Television. He explained why and how important the defense industry is in Serbia which is still developing, demonstration exercise "Celik 2017", new modeled riffle, and Lazar three.

Vucic expects from his successor to continue the policy of balancing between East and West, but also to maintain the same modest habits.

- We have always had the support of France to the European path. French companies employ 10,000 people in Serbia - Vucic said at the question about the elections in France.

When asked what is the greatest threat to Serbia, Vucic said:

- I'm worried about relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. We need to work on relations with Albanians. We need to talk more openly with Croatian . We would give anything in the world for Serbs in Croatia to have the position like Croats have in Serbia.

- We will have people on our side to help us, i am speaking about world famous people. 

- I congratulated Victory day to Russians on Russian language, because i gave a statement to Russian portal, i gave a statement to China on English, because i don't know Chinese language, but Sinisa Mali started learning Chinese - said Vucic.

As for the minimum wage, Vucic said that it is increased from 121 dinar to 130 dinars per hour.

- At the last meeting of the government, something scared me, I saw desire for unrestrained spending of money. I will insist on a firm fiscal control - Vucic announced.

He said that he will respect the promise about the average wage of 500 euros until the end of next year, based on "healthy basis", and that many individuals promised that they will vote for him until the end of life if he makes that happen.
