Vucic: I don't expect miracles in Croatia, but the conversations will be healing

When asked how does he see the fact that the president and the government are not working at the same level, he mentioned that he doesn't understand the arguments completely and that it's not the time for visit, but he accepts it

- I am going to Croatia, I don't expect miracles, but I am sure that the conversations will be healing - President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said today.

Ana Brnabic wrote into the Golden book of guests in Bled and she left a strong message

Vucic is convinced that he will have good talks with his Croatian colleague, and when asked how does he see the fact that the president and the government are not working at the same level, he mentioned that he doesn't understand the arguments completely and that it's not the time for visit, but he accepts it.

- If Croatia, besides the president invitation, wants to say that I am not welcome - thank you, if they don't wish to talk - thank you. I don't plan on humoring anyone, to ingratiate, I am protecting Serbia's interests - Vucic said.

He said that he is convinced that relationship with Croatia is better.

- We have better relations to solve problems in a national way. I think that it has to be the answer of both sides. I think that talks are necessary when we have problems when they are visible, and that is why I want to go to Croatia to fight for peace and stability - Vucic said.

As he said, he wants to fight for the citizens of Serbia to have better future, for Serbs in Croatia to have better future, and that he is ready to help Croats living in Serbia to accomplish all rights.

- We will be ready for difficult, immediate and open discussion on all topics, because we don't want to run away from any subject, starting from solving the property rights for Serbs, to lack in electricity in certain villages where Serbs live, but also to help the Croatian community - Vucic noted.

Continuation of investing in health

Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic announced the possibility of construction of "Dedinje 2" and he said that the state will continue investing in health, based on the good state of public finances.

- I don't want to promise something today that we can't fulfill, but I believe that we will have the strength to build "Dedinje 2" - said the president to the reporters, after the official celebration of the anniversary of the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases.

He realized as he said, what are the tasks of the state in that area and that further investments must be made into health care.

- Public finances are good, and not just good, but very good and I believe that we will have enough possibility to invest in health care, to help children, old and sick - the president said.

- We will push as much as we can and we hope that there won't be requests from all sides to do everything which wasn't touched in the last 50 years and that everything has to be done in the next year, two or three - Vucic added.

( / Tanjug)