They are creating nurses in 6 months for 1.100 euros, they claim everything is legal: "You wear a coat for 2-3 days and you go and check a few patients"

- That is not an accelerated procedure, everything is by the law - claims the owner of the school from Tutin. The ministry announced the investigation came into possession of audio footage where the conversation between a girl who graduated Gymnasium from Novi Sad and Ismet Derdemez, the principal of the "High School Tutin", where he explains in detail that she will receive a diploma of a Medical Technician in six months if she pays 1.100 euros, although it takes a year, or a year and a half by the law for changing of the desired qualifications.

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When the reader of Telegraf I.S. called and explained that she has graduated from Gymnasium, but she received an offer for a job in Vienna and that she must go for re-qualification for a Medical Technician, Dedemez said that it is possible.

- We have examinations where you take the difference in classes from the first, second, third, and fourth years, a total of 27 exams. It all costs 1.100 euros, in dinar equivalent. The next scheduled exam to apply for our school is April 20, and you can graduate in December, maybe it will be in October, but it is better to say in December. That is not an accelerated procedure, everything is by the law - claims the owner of the school.

I.S. told him that she has no knowledge from medicine because she completed Gymnasium, and Derdemez explained that she will have to do some practice. But usually, a short practice.

- You would have to go for practice, to come to us. Since we have technicians doctors who work, you would have to spend a couple of days with them in those coats and to go with them in our ambulance. To go to the internal department in Tutin, to learn some basic things. You learn that relatively quickly. It will take you 2-3 days to go through some basic things. You wear a coat and you go to see some patients, to give someone IV, to see how it goes - said the owner of "High School Tutin".

Printskrin: Youtube/Sandzacka TV Mreza

The answer of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development on this case is clear.

- For the educational profile of a medical nurse - technician, which lasts 4 years, the Rulebook on the plan and program states the week and yearly fond of classes of professional subjects, practical classes, and lessons in the block of 1.103 classes (Health Care and First Aid cases). It is obvious that 1.103 classes cannot be realized in 2-3 days. Taking into consideration the seriousness of the report, where you inform us about the illegal work in the "High School Tutin", the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development will examine all the allegations.

As we also learn, the deadline for completing the re-qualification is a year and a half.


We managed to get in contact with Ismet Derdemez after a few days (because he wasn't responding the calls), and we heard a different story. He claimed that there are no chances of getting a diploma in six to eight months unless someone else is taking the exam difference to enroll in a different department.

- For example, if someone has completed a 4-year School of Mechanics and they want to get a diploma for an auto mechanic, they can do it in 8 months. If someone comes for re-qualification for a nurse and has completed a 4 year school of a different profile, they will need a year to get a diploma - said Derdemez, adding that the practice lasts for 6 months unless someone from the hospital "finishes it" for them.


If you are studying regularly in a medical school, the education plan and program has arranged that everyone has to pass 60 hours of practice in health care institutions. When it comes to re-training, it is mandatory to take between 20-30 hours of practice per year, also in health care institutions.

That would mean that you can do practice in "High School Tutin" in 2-3 days, although you need 80 classes.

The principal of the "Medical school Belgrade", Nada Trifkovic, explained that this way of re-training, which lasts for only six months, is extremely dangerous because there is no way for someone to start working in such a short period of time in a profession. Especially as a health worker after half a year.

Foto: Profimedia, Alamy

- That is terrible. You can't re-train anyone in half a year. And besides, every school is obliged to provide seminars, lectures before the exam, so that the examiner can prepare for them, and not just to go and to take them. In addition, everybody must pass the necessary practice, and it lasts for a year and a half. This is is how that school works, that is not a course and someone should really react to it. There are no correctional exams in the medical profession. My child, your child, will die because of the people who are getting diplomas - Nada Trifkovic is clear.

The principal adds that a lot of people are coming to the "Medical school Belgrade" who want to have re-qualification, and they run away as soon as they hear how long it lasts.

- Again, I will repeat, the math is clear: If you came every weekend to the seminars and lectures, it would take you at least one year to pass all of them. I don't understand how can someone organize that in six months - said the principal.

Foto-ilustracija: Profimedia/imageBROKER

They told us from the "Medical school Nadezda Petrovic" in Zemun that not even a doctor can re-qualify into medical technician in six months.

- Everybody who completed any four year school can re-qualify and they must take 26 different classes. Furthermore, they have 35 weeks of practice and that is mandatory. They must complete the practice in order to take the exam. We have a lot of doctors who completed gymnasium, and they want to re-qualify into a medical technician, and they need a minimum of one year to pass everything. What I want to say is that not even a doctor can finish everything in six months - said the deputy principal for Telegraf, Biljana Glavonic.

When asked, what kind of a medical technician can get a diploma in six months, Biljana Glavonic answers:

- I don't know what to say, the question is if they will be able to get a job in the first place, is someone hiring a medical worker who had re-training in just six months. 

They share the same opinion in Novi Sad. On the website of the medical school "7 April", it says that the school organizes preparatory teaching of the theory and exercises from the professional subjects envisaged in the curriculum.

"Preparatory classes are organized by organizing the two grades in one school year: in the first semester for the first and third grade, and in the second semester for the second and fourth grades, which means that the retraining can be completed in two years" - says on the website.

Foto: Printskrin

The website of "Tutin High School" says that this institution has modern means of work, which makes teaching more dynamic.

- Everything that we do is for the benefit of young people, so we can help them to go into the world in the best possible way by integrating and coordinating their desires and potentials, to raise their confidence, liberated of fears in front of uncertain future - states the website.


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( / J. Stakic)