Russians have DISAPPOINTED Serbia, but Serbs have not disappointed GREECE!

Serbia has made 143 million euros from tourism in the first six month this year, the best payers are Bosnians, and out of all countries in Europe, Greece makes most money

Serbia, in the period from January to Jun this year, made from tourism income of 413 million, and expense of 480 million euros

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According to preliminary results in Bosnia and Herzegovina spends the most in Serbia, the income of total 54 million from this country. What is unusual is that second place goes to Switzerland, and they spent 37 million euros in the same period, while we spent there only 8 million.

Third place goes to Great Britain with 30 million euros, and then Slovenia with 28, Montenegro with 23 million from tourism.

Greatest disappointment is Russian federation, and the income from Russian tourist was only 9 million, and our expenses in that country were 11 million.

Our state has 20 million euros of income from income from USA students, while we spent 12 million for six months there.

Interesting data is that income and expenses from tourism in Croatia are identical. They spend 20 million euros here, and we spend as much there.

We obviously spend the most in Greece, so the Greeks took 181 million euros in six months from our tourists, while our income from them is minor, only six million. 

Excluding Greece, which is a favorite resort of our tourists, it seems that the Serbs like Germany, where we spent in six months 35 million euros.
