FORECAST FOR THE NEXT 7 DAYS: The "freezer" is coming, the snow starts today, these parts of Serbia will become white first

The lowest temperature from 1 to 4, the highest daily in most parts from 3 to 5

The snow cover will form today and tomorrow in southern, southeast and eastern regions, 5-10cm in lower parts, 15-25 in mountain parts, announced by the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute.

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It will be cloudy in most of the country, cold, windy, partly with rain and snow. The precipitation will occasionally stop in northern parts in morning hours.

The wind will be weak, and occasionally strong in the mountains.

The lowest temperature from 1 to 4, the highest daily in most parts from 3 to 5.

It will be cloudy, cold and windy in Belgrade. There will be rain and snow in the morning. The wind will be moderate. The temperature will go from 2 to 5 degrees.


According to the forecast for the next 7 days, it will be cloudy on Tuesday on south and east, partly with snow, with further increase of snow cover. It will be dry in other parts with a continuous clearing of skies.

It will be cold on Wednesday morning with weak frost and fog, a bit warmer during the day, partially sunny in the morning, and the clouds from the west with weak rain.

It will be mostly cloudy on Thursday and Friday, with rain, and with snow on higher mountains, and colder with snow in lower parts during the weekend.

There won't be rain at the start of next week, but it will be cold.

( / Tanjug)