NO MOBILE PHONES IN CLASS: This school in Belgrade made a revolutionary decision!

Principal of elementary school "Josif Pancic", Milan Bajic, said that this was introduced as a preventive measure

It is forbidden for a few days now in elementary school "Josif Pancic" on Banovo Brdo, to take pictures or filming of oneself, other children, teachers and school process in the school or in the school yard. 

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In the worlds of principal Milan Bajic, this measure was introduced first of all as a preventive.

Students can use their mobile phones now only during the rest between classes, for calls and messages, while they have to be turned off during class, and if some student is caught using the phone during class, it will be noted into School book.

After that, the phone is sent to the principal's office where it will stay until the parents arrive.

It is strictly forbidden to use social networks in school over the computer or phone, and if the rules are not respected, upbringing disciplinary action is started.

This was supported by parents of the students in this school .

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