SENSATIONAL DISCOVERY: You will be shocked whose blood runs through the veins of a real Serb!

What are the ancestors of Serb we know today and what kind of genetic signature they carry, you can look at our halpogroup chart and the table

When European map of halpogroups was published a year ago, pointing the genetic composition of different races, it also revealed what groups of people share the same ancestors

This is the most beautiful Serbian house: It is 133 years old, and when you open the door, you enter the magic land (PHOTO)

Halpogroups can be based on Y-DNA, one that is passed on from father to son, which means that it only show the male common ancestors.

In addition, there is the mtDNA, which is passed from mother to offspring of both sexes.

Based on analysis of these maps, which takes into account only the Y-DNA, we learn that the group I1, I2B, I2a1 and I2a2 belong to the Mesolithic Europeans, groups N1c1, G2a, E1b1b and T belong to the Neolithic immigrants, a group of 1a, 1b, J1 and J2 belong to immigrants from the Bronze Age.

What are the ancestors of Serb we know today and what kind of genetic signature they carry, you can look at our halpogroup chart and the table:

I2 * / I2a (South Slavic, Sardinian) 33%

E1b1b (Greek / Balkan, Middle Eastern, North African) 18%

1a (Slovenian, Kurgan, Aryan) 16%

I1 (Germanic-Nordic) 8.5%

1b (Celtic, Basque, Italic, Frisian, Saxon) 8%

J2 (the Greek-Romanian, Anatolian, Mesopotamian) 8%

N (Finnish Ural-Siberian) 2%

G (Caucasian, Georgian, Armenian) 2%

Q (Hun, Central Asian) 1.5%

T (Egyptian, Middle Eastern) 1%

I2B (Germanic-Saxon) 0.5%

* J / J1 (Hebrew, Arabic) 0.5%
