If Djokovic sees this video, I will surely win: Gorgeous Tara (11) acts, dances, plays piano, and suffers from a very rare disease (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

Let's share this text as much as possible so Novak could read it and support this little girl, it means a lot to her. Tara till victory!

Some stories don't need introductions. Some stories don't need to be made pretty. There are rare people who's appearance says more than all of world languages together. And the rarest are like Tara Samac (11), even though she suffers from Freeman-Sheldon syndrome from birth, she has a wisdom of 30 year old, and strength of professional dancer. 

MY LOVE, I AM PROUD OF YOU: Message with a photo and well known video, Djokovic's wife celebrated his entry to 300 Club!

Nothing can get in this girl's way. She is acting, dancing, playing piano, she is preparing to play violin, and she will perform on Special Olympics World Winter Games in Austria on March 24th, in hip-hop dancers section. She says that life gives her wind in her back.

Not even professional dancers can't perform the moves she is doing.

Tara can't sleep without an oxygen bottle, but that doesn't stop her from investing more power and strength into training, more than anyone of us can imagine. She has a lot of plans for the future, but for start, its important for her to present Serbia the best way possible at the Olympics.

- I always had that rhythm in me that makes me dance. That's how it all started, i listened to my heart. I thought of the choreography myself and i prepared for the Olympics. Because, when i thing i can do something, then i am 100 sure in myself. But you know, this is a Special Olympics, it doesn't have to mean that i am the best dancer. We will see, my goal is bronze medal - said Tara.

While talking to us, she is holding a special prop in her hand all the time and she is not going anywhere without it - a cap she received from Novak Djokovic. It is clear that he is great motivation for her.

- I want to say hi to Novak and to say that i am always supporting him. I hope that he will cheer for me when i go to the Olympics - said Tara modestly.

Syndrome she suffers from since birth is among rare diseases. Even though it is with serious problems, she is not allowing herself to cave in.

- I could never do ballet, or anything that is slow and that puts me to sleep. That is why i chose hip-hop - explains this incredible girl and adds that she wanted to be on television her entire life, in front of cameras and that dream finally came true.

-  I would like to be a cameraman  she said while returning from training, looking at the camera we were filming until now. Our cameraman promises that he will be her personal teacher as soon as she returns from Austria.

- Well, i guess you will wait for me when i come back from the Olympics and film me again. I guess i have earned it - said Tara while getting ready for formation for group performance.

We answer that that is certain, and that we will cheer for her on 24th March. And we are sure that Novak Djokovic will cheer for her as well. 

Let's share this text as much as possible so Novak could read it and support this little girl, it means a lot to her. Tara till victory!
