FAN SHOT IN A STOMACH FIGHTS FOR HIS LIFE: Drama after the conflict between Red Star and Partizan fans in New Belgrade!

As stated from Clinical Hospital center Zemun, one person is in life-threatening situation and one was lightly injured in the clash that took place behind the restaurant Old fireplace

Many residents in New Belgrade in suburb Ivan Ribar were disturbed by shooting in evening hours when there was a clash between the fans of Red Star and Partizan. The epilogue is that there are injured, and according to the latest information, one person is fighting for his life.

EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE: Massive fight of fans at the Temple of Saint Sava, Red Star fans launched the onslaught with poles (VIDEO)

As stated from Clinical Hospital center Zemun, one person is in life-threatening situation and one was lightly injured in the clash.

As we were told in the emergency room, patient who was shot was taken to the University Hospital Center "Zemun" on resuscitation and he's life is in danger. Another patient was hurt in the same incident.

The suburb was soon surrounded by members of the riot police, who were armed to the teeth with Kalashnikovs, and few vehicles of ambulance arrived.

- There was a shootout. There were many of them. There are injured and hurt people - said one of the witnesses for Telegraf.
