Bizarre funeral at the Adriatic beach: People in black came down by the sea and everybody thought they were performing a forbidden ritual!

"Suddenly, a group of people dressed in black started coming down towards the sea and they had an urn and flowers. Everything was thrown into the sea at the end. It was completely normal for the people who were on the beach, and some thought it was inconceivable"

An unusual ritual happened on Rijeka coast Pecine, the funeral of the old lady who lived in the Olga villa.

Tourists couldn't hold on any longer and they rushed into the cold sea at Tivat in November! (PHOTO)

The eyewitnesses sent an anonymous letter to the Novi List where they said that the ceremony took place on 5th October.

- Some people were on the beach, two men, fishing. There were songs and music. Nothing unusual. Suddenly, a group of people dressed in black started coming down towards the sea and they had an urn and flowers. Everything was thrown into the sea at the end. It was completely normal for the people who were on the beach, and some thought it was inconceivable. Are the rituals like that legal and can they become normal since it's cheaper that way - asks the anonymous author of the letter.

The communal company Kozala, which performs funeral activities, does not have specific information about this funeral. As they pointed out, the funeral was probably organized by some private funeral company, based on the Law on funeral activities that came into force in 2015 and which has expanded the funeral activities.

The Law on funerary activities in Croatia allows for the shedding of the ashes of the deceased in nature. However, this law does not prescribe the procedure for performing this service, the work and the manner in which it is performed, nor the obligation to record deaths, places, and methods of burial by third parties.

They did not want to comment on the price of such a service, or whether there were any such cases in Rijeka.

- This utility company is governed by the fundamental law that determines our actions, which is the Law on Cemeteries that foresees the burial of the deceased and their remains in a graveyard located in the area where he died - they said from the company Kozale and added that it is determined by the same law, not as an exception, that the dead can be buried outside the boundaries of cemetery with the permission of the local government in charge of public utilities, with the prior decision on the part of local self-government unit in charge of healthcare. 

Kozala performs funerals exclusively at cemeteries and performs the ash spilling service in the Field of Remembrance at the Central Cemetery of Drenovo. The same law governs the graves and the register of dead people. They don't have any information on this case on Pecine.

Watch the videos on this beach:
