COUNTRY THAT APPRECIATES SERBIAN EXPERTS: If you bring a doctor from Serbia you will get a 2.000 euros bonus!

If the people we bring pass the six months probation period, we get a bonus of 2.000 euros - said Markovic

Doctors from Serbia working in Germany get 2.000 euros from the local hospitals for every medic colleague they bring from our country.

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Germany plans on hiring 120.000 doctors of various specialties, so the doctors from our country, who are already working there, got the chance to earn extra as mediators.

Doctor Dusan Markovic, working in a rehabilitation clinic near Ulm, brought three nurses, two from Serbia and one from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

- There is an incredible shortage of nurses and caregivers, and because of that, people get job easily, and hospitals and nursing homes are searching for them in every way possible. If the people we bring pass the six months probation period, we get a bonus of 2.000 euros. Officially, there is a requirement of B2 in German language, but now they are accepting B1, only to get more people - said Markovic.

In the clinic he works in, there is a small colony of technical staff from Serbia and the surrounding countries.

His colleague doctor Stevan Dragic, working in hospital near Nimberg, says that this hospital gives 500 euros of bonus, no matter if the workers passed probation period or not.

However, competition in bringing doctors is huge, because there are few hundred specialized agencies in Germany, which are not taking any compensation from doctors and technicians for finding them work, because after the probation period, they charge the clinics.

Demand is highest in the richest and most densely populated states - Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg and North Rhine - Westphalia.

The Medical Association of Serbia issued last year around 1.000 certificates to the doctors for abroad work applications, but it is unknown how many left.

This year, the number of issued applications will be even greater.

( / Blic)