These are the children who dreamed about having their own computer: The dream came true, and they cant take the smile off of their faces (PHOTO)

- We can't describe how happy our children were for the computer they have been wishing for years, and which we couldn't get - said Lela Mladenovic, mother of four

We often have the opportunity to meet the family on the street or in the papers appealing for help because of the bad financial situation, but there are even less who really helps them. However, together, by giving at least a part of what we have, we made a big step towards solving of this problem, to secure equal childhood for all children.

Zorana gathered 40.000 dollars on her own, and went to treatment to South Korea: We greeted her on the airport, she returned even stronger! (PHOTO)

Guided by this, employed in the company "Ewe" from Belgrade, decided to do something. 

They wanted to draw a smile from children, at least for a moment, who had difficult life, at the verge of existence, growing up in modest conditions, or without a parent. They donated computer equipment and appliances throughout Serbia, hoping that they will help them at least a little, and to enable them to have at least normal life as possible.

They got a smile from, among others, two year old Dunja from Degrmen, whose family lives in conditions of extreme poverty and also from Dragana (13), who travels 15 kilometers to school and back with her three brothers in a village where there is no more children, so the computer with a printer, monitor and keyboard will be a window to the world in some hand.

Then, to 17 year old Nenad Stevanovic from one Kursumlija village whose parents have died, they gave a tablet, and Dejana Backo (23) who was born without upper limbs, and who achieves remarkable results in taekwondo and painting, they gave transformer book.

Then they cheered Milos (21) and Veljko (19) Antonijevic from a village near Jagodina with stove and tablet, whose day starts by getting up at six to first dress a completely immobile father, then take him to the bathroom and prepare breakfast for him, and then they go to school, Aleksa (13) who has been having problems with hearing for years and wears a hearing aid received transformer book, a girl who was a victim of human trafficking and managed thereafter to continue normal life by entering the Faculty, a laptop believing that it will be beneficial for her.

- We are aware that a lot of children in Serbia need help in any form. We decided to do something and to help at least 14 families and to make their day easier, and we thank our business partners who helped us with that -  said Marija Popovic, director of marketing of this company.

- We can't describe how happy our children were for the computer they have been wishing for years, and which we couldn't get - said Lela Mladenovic, mother of four.

Her husband got sick, and she is carrying the burden of household of six, surviving on social aid.

And while Lela (36) said that the oldest Dragana (13) was most happy for the computer, Rade Laketic, the head of family of three, said that he and wife, thanks to the new refrigerator, will be able to feed their two year old daughter with fresh groceries.

And brothers Stefanovic are grateful for laptop, which they say they couldn't afford.
